The Travels with Kev Podcast
Embark on an exciting journey with the Travels with Kev podcast, an extension of travelswithkev.com.
This podcast covers Amtrak and other train travel and the essential skills you need to kick-start your journey, which is perfect for new travelers and anyone looking to delve deeper into specific topics.
Join me in exploring from anywhere! If I can travel, so can you! Safe travels! - Kev
The Travels with Kev Podcast
How to pick an Amtrak destination.
In this episode of the Travel with Kev podcast, Kev will guide listeners through the process of choosing an ideal Amtrak destination. He will highlight the beauty of train travel, from scenic landscapes to the diversity of experiences across different routes. The episode will focus on defining travel goals, researching potential destinations, and considering important factors like timing and accommodations. Kev will also share personal tips for picking turnaround spots for day trips, exploring lesser-known stops, and adapting these tips to VIA Rail or other travel options.
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Safe Travels and Happy Planning!